
2 1/2 more weeks...

So, there are now only 2 1/2 more weeks until winter break.  THANK GOD.  I haven't written a new post in awhile so there is probably a lot to talk about.  However, with the stresses of finals and presentations, I have forgotten everything.  I have forgotten what happened last week, I've forgotten things that I was supposed to do, I've forgotten the last time I ate.  OY.  As of 3 hours ago, I'm starting my final model for my design class.  Right now it's about 1/5th done.  This could either sound like a good amount or sound kind of pathetic.  Either way, it is progressing.  While waiting for the glue to dry, I decided to update my blog instead of eating.  An obvious choice.  Finals and presentations aside, I guess life is good. I can not wait for winter break to come.  Even though we just returned from thanksgiving break, it feels like there was no break.  I had midterms for 3 weeks, then 'break' now finals for 3 weeks.  Does that seem fair? I think not.  It is the definition of craziness. As for the internship with "Dear Genevieve," it's going very well.  It looks like I may be a regular =) They actually made me speak on camera last time.  I was SO unprepared and embarassed but it was fun.  The new episodes air in the beginning of January.  OH! that's next month! no biggy, just set your dvr's por favor =]

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