
Anxieties of Senior Year

As of now, I can not wait for graduation.  I am sick of this school and the incompetent professors.  Out of my four years here, I have had only a handful of decent teachers.  It's just so frustrating.  We're paying a quarter of a million dollars to teach ourselves, push ourselves, and create an outcome that pleases people who have given no input.  My advisor basically screwed me over for my last semester which sucks.  I will be taking 18 credits, 7 classes, and it shall be the death of me.  On top of that, this semester is not looking much better.  It started off amazing.  I got a great internship, gained confidence, and I was very happy.  But of course it was too good to be true.  The stupid theme for surplus, my advisors 'miscommunication', my directed research professor's inability to listen or think or communicate are all piling up onto my increasing stress levels.  I hate complaining but this is kind of ridiculous.  Obviously it won't kill me and I will get through it, but it's just uneccessary frustration. 

As for my internship, everything is going smoothly.  I've been having to go to families houses to meet them, measure, and take pictures of the spaces, then put them into autocad.  I've only been to two reveals which are the most fun.  The last one was for a family who had asked for a luxurious office.  What they got was slightly different.  It became a guest bedroom/playroom (they don't have kids yet, mind you) with a desk in it.  It was still beautiful but I wonder why it was such a jump from what the homeowners had asked for.  Anyways, I was told that I am going to be on camera more often now.  I'm not sure how I feel about that.  It doesn't make me nervous but the idea of me, an already extremely self conscious person, being on television is kind of scary.  We shall see.

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