
The End Is Near

Final Design Presentation, Fall 2010, Senior year: TOMORROW
I am freaking out a little bit.  Even though I've been working on the same project for the entire semester and one would think that it should be pretty good, I'm really worried.  Sure my model is decent.  Ok, my boards look fine.  But what it comes down to is my confidence, or lack there of, and the critics. The CRITICS are already putting me over the edge, especially one of them.  

Let's take a look back and reference an earlier post while I was living in Denmark...

Post title: So ready kinda sorta?
"After my horrible day yesterday I am so ready to head home. I am kinda sorta fed up with the studio program here, specifically my teacher. I have loved every other class here in Denmark. I've learned so much. But when it comes to studio, I feel like I've been thrown backwards. My crit yesterday did not go so well. I won't go into detail but it confused me. It's something that could have been avoided 7 weeks ago if someone would have told me. UGH."

...In short....SHERYL
Sheryl was the reason that was a horrible day.  She's a professor at Pratt who seems to love to make people feel horrible.  It's like she thrives on it.  She's a nice person outside of class but she transforms during a crit.  She has a reputation of being mean, and I had thought I was prepared.  I thought wrong.  The critique in Denmark actually made me cry.  It was her attitude and treatment of the situation that made me overwhelmed.  I put that critique behind me and moved on.  I tried to gain back what little confidence I had in order to get through senior year.  A few weeks ago my professor was telling us who the critics would be for our final as we were pinning up our drawings.  She was reading down the list.  I was pinning the last corner on my drawing, and she said "and finally Sheryl Kasak." My heart stopped.  I literally stabbed my finger with the pin as that name spilled from her lips, uninentionally of course.  I was in shock.  I thought I would never have to hear that name again.  Because doing a final presentation of a semester long project in front of 6 strangers isn't enough, let's just add her into the mix.  OY.  It's just extra stress that none of us need.