
the END

So my last fall semester has officially ended.  I'm still in shock.  I feel like I still have projects and presentations and models to build.  It's amazing how fast this semester has gone.  No matter how fast or slow things felt this semester I am beyond excited that is it over.  Even though I am definately dreading my schedule for next semester, I'm trying to just focus on the present....winter break =]

However, for a brief time, lets go into the past.  Let's look back on the final(s) week of the semester....  Fortunately it wasn't as crazy as I thought it would be.  Usually a final week at Pratt consists of little sleep, a lot of model making, quite a few nerves being shot, and a tomato face multiple times by yours truly.  Because my finals were so spaced out, it was apparently easier to handle.  While I like the idea of getting all of my finals done and out of the way, I like it even more when I can have some down time, even if only for a few moments.  So my first final for design, which I wrote about in my last post, went surprisingly well.  The infamous Sheryl, whom I was super worried about, actually complimented me! maybe she was sick, maybe god was on my side, but who cares!! She said my design was elegant and beautiful and my model was lovely.  Yup, those are the words that came out of her mouth.  I would have never expected it, but I'm glad it happened.  Maybe she was making up for the crit in Denmark? Who knows.  My second final was for working drawings.  It was basically a semester long project which was to make a set of architectural drawings for my library design from last year.  I loved my library =] (it was the one by the dean for a scholarship competition over the summer which unfortunately I didn't win.) What I didn't love so much was the teacher for this class.  While he seems to know what he's talking about, he is a harsh grader and a not so great teacher.  I ended up with a B but not without a hard time.  My final for furniture was by far my favorite.  We had to design and build a full scale seating device, meaning an actual chair that can hold the human body.  Crazy right? Early on, I was super nervous about this project because I'm not so good with power tools.  I know, this may be shocking for some because of my massive muscles and macho demeanor but it's so true.  I had never really used power tools besides woodshop class or the occasional screw driver.  That aside, I think my chair came out pretty well and the critics agreed.  The only thing they critiqued about it was that they wished it would fold because of the joint/hinge I made.  Originally, I wanted it to fold but it would have changed the design and practicality of it.  Overall, my finals went well and I'm so happy that the semester is over.  7 semesters down and 1 more to go =]  

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