
As The New Year Approaches

A few weeks ago, I never thought that winter break would come.  A few months ago, I never thought my senior year would start.  A few years ago, graduating from college was not even a thought in my mind yet.  It is now only 2 days from the new year, and I can't believe how fast time is flying by.  That's the one thing I dislike about growing up, how increasingly fast time goes.  It doesn't feel like Christmas has happened yet, and it surely doesn't feel like the fall semester is over.  On a brighter note, it looks like we might be having our first successful new years eve party =]  Granted, there will only be 7 people, but it's much better than  previous planned extravaganzas.  I actually like smaller parties anyway.  It will hopefully be a fun filled evening of wii dancing and taco dip eating.  As for new years day, the new season of "Dear Genevieve" begins =]  My friends and entire family have been asking me when the new episodes with air.  Great aunts and friends grandmothers are even interested.  Who knew my mother would tell so many people.  Anyways, here's to hoping for an amazing new year full of health and prosperity.  Cheers!        


Christmas gifts

So Christmas is in 3 days. Can you believe it? While most people are rushing around to find their last minute gifts, I'm done.  I was at the mall yesterday to hang out with my friend around 1:00 pm.  I would have thought that most people would be working since it was in the middle of the day but no.  The mall was super crowded with mothers scrambling their young children from store to store, boyfriends and girlfriends trying to find that last minute special.  Fortunately I finished my christmas shopping the other day and don't have anything to stress about.  Well, at least about presents.  Unfortunately, I'm worrying about my grandpa who is in the hospital and we don't know when he's coming home and my grandma is super sick =[  I'm just praying we can spend christmas together and forget about all of the negative things that are going on.  We shall see.  Ok, now that I'm a tad depressed, I'll tell you about all of my christmas deals.  Like many people, I had a good amount to buy.  I had to shop for 17 people.  I didn't know what I would do.  I started to worry because I'm a college student with no job.  Thankfully I had some money saved but I still was unsure of how to make this work.  17 people? that's crazy! So inbetween my finals and presentations I searched websites for some deals.  While most people think that the best deals are right after thanksgiving, their actually right before christmas both online and in stores.  Usually I'm somewhat against shopping for gifts because I much prefer handmade things.  However I mixed it up this year with some of each.  In total I spent $160 on those 17 people.  I think thats a pretty good bargain =]  some of you may be thinking that I just got some stupid little things but that is where you'd be wrong.  I bought sweaters, shirts, cashmere scarves, movies, etc.  All of the basic loveable gifts that many people spend a fortune on.  I can't tell you my secret because I don't really have one.  Some may call me stingy but I just look for deals =]  As for handmade gifts, I've made it all.  Here's a few things I've made: 

I draw a holiday card every year for christmas.  It's a simple way to tell all of your loved ones that you've thought about them.  While I draw one card and mass produce it =] it stills shows thought and a sense of personality.  My mom sends it to around 50 people every year and they couldn't be more greatful.  It's an easy way to bring a smile to someones face without spending a fortune. 

This is my favorite gift to make and it is very simple to complete.  All you need is a simple unfinished wood frame ($2), some old dinner plate that you can let out your anger on =] a tube of cheap acrylic paint ($2), Elmer's glue all, a pouch of grout ($4-$6), a personal photo that you can print from home, and a few hours to set aside.  It takes about 3 hrs to complete but it is well worth it.  It is very personal while looking professional =]

This is also a great gift.  It is exactly like the frame but on a smaller scale and it takes less time which is always good for the crazy holiday season.  Instead of the picture frame you would need a 1 1/2 inch flower pot with a base that costs under $2.    If you want to be ambitious, you can always create a set with the picture frame and a matching candle holder =] 

This is the easiet present that I make.  Granted, many people think it takes hours but in fact it usually takes me about 20 - 40 mins.  First, I think of a personal image that relates to the person I'm giving it too.  This one is for my grandpa who paints birdhouses in his spare time.  This painting took me 20 mins to complete with watercolor paint and I finished it off with a simple nice frame from the dollar store =]   

We'll see how my cheap and personalized gifts go over with the family.  I hope they'll love it =]  Happy Holidays!


the END

So my last fall semester has officially ended.  I'm still in shock.  I feel like I still have projects and presentations and models to build.  It's amazing how fast this semester has gone.  No matter how fast or slow things felt this semester I am beyond excited that is it over.  Even though I am definately dreading my schedule for next semester, I'm trying to just focus on the present....winter break =]

However, for a brief time, lets go into the past.  Let's look back on the final(s) week of the semester....  Fortunately it wasn't as crazy as I thought it would be.  Usually a final week at Pratt consists of little sleep, a lot of model making, quite a few nerves being shot, and a tomato face multiple times by yours truly.  Because my finals were so spaced out, it was apparently easier to handle.  While I like the idea of getting all of my finals done and out of the way, I like it even more when I can have some down time, even if only for a few moments.  So my first final for design, which I wrote about in my last post, went surprisingly well.  The infamous Sheryl, whom I was super worried about, actually complimented me! maybe she was sick, maybe god was on my side, but who cares!! She said my design was elegant and beautiful and my model was lovely.  Yup, those are the words that came out of her mouth.  I would have never expected it, but I'm glad it happened.  Maybe she was making up for the crit in Denmark? Who knows.  My second final was for working drawings.  It was basically a semester long project which was to make a set of architectural drawings for my library design from last year.  I loved my library =] (it was the one by the dean for a scholarship competition over the summer which unfortunately I didn't win.) What I didn't love so much was the teacher for this class.  While he seems to know what he's talking about, he is a harsh grader and a not so great teacher.  I ended up with a B but not without a hard time.  My final for furniture was by far my favorite.  We had to design and build a full scale seating device, meaning an actual chair that can hold the human body.  Crazy right? Early on, I was super nervous about this project because I'm not so good with power tools.  I know, this may be shocking for some because of my massive muscles and macho demeanor but it's so true.  I had never really used power tools besides woodshop class or the occasional screw driver.  That aside, I think my chair came out pretty well and the critics agreed.  The only thing they critiqued about it was that they wished it would fold because of the joint/hinge I made.  Originally, I wanted it to fold but it would have changed the design and practicality of it.  Overall, my finals went well and I'm so happy that the semester is over.  7 semesters down and 1 more to go =]  


The End Is Near

Final Design Presentation, Fall 2010, Senior year: TOMORROW
I am freaking out a little bit.  Even though I've been working on the same project for the entire semester and one would think that it should be pretty good, I'm really worried.  Sure my model is decent.  Ok, my boards look fine.  But what it comes down to is my confidence, or lack there of, and the critics. The CRITICS are already putting me over the edge, especially one of them.  

Let's take a look back and reference an earlier post while I was living in Denmark...

Post title: So ready kinda sorta?
"After my horrible day yesterday I am so ready to head home. I am kinda sorta fed up with the studio program here, specifically my teacher. I have loved every other class here in Denmark. I've learned so much. But when it comes to studio, I feel like I've been thrown backwards. My crit yesterday did not go so well. I won't go into detail but it confused me. It's something that could have been avoided 7 weeks ago if someone would have told me. UGH."

...In short....SHERYL
Sheryl was the reason that was a horrible day.  She's a professor at Pratt who seems to love to make people feel horrible.  It's like she thrives on it.  She's a nice person outside of class but she transforms during a crit.  She has a reputation of being mean, and I had thought I was prepared.  I thought wrong.  The critique in Denmark actually made me cry.  It was her attitude and treatment of the situation that made me overwhelmed.  I put that critique behind me and moved on.  I tried to gain back what little confidence I had in order to get through senior year.  A few weeks ago my professor was telling us who the critics would be for our final as we were pinning up our drawings.  She was reading down the list.  I was pinning the last corner on my drawing, and she said "and finally Sheryl Kasak." My heart stopped.  I literally stabbed my finger with the pin as that name spilled from her lips, uninentionally of course.  I was in shock.  I thought I would never have to hear that name again.  Because doing a final presentation of a semester long project in front of 6 strangers isn't enough, let's just add her into the mix.  OY.  It's just extra stress that none of us need.


2 1/2 more weeks...

So, there are now only 2 1/2 more weeks until winter break.  THANK GOD.  I haven't written a new post in awhile so there is probably a lot to talk about.  However, with the stresses of finals and presentations, I have forgotten everything.  I have forgotten what happened last week, I've forgotten things that I was supposed to do, I've forgotten the last time I ate.  OY.  As of 3 hours ago, I'm starting my final model for my design class.  Right now it's about 1/5th done.  This could either sound like a good amount or sound kind of pathetic.  Either way, it is progressing.  While waiting for the glue to dry, I decided to update my blog instead of eating.  An obvious choice.  Finals and presentations aside, I guess life is good. I can not wait for winter break to come.  Even though we just returned from thanksgiving break, it feels like there was no break.  I had midterms for 3 weeks, then 'break' now finals for 3 weeks.  Does that seem fair? I think not.  It is the definition of craziness. As for the internship with "Dear Genevieve," it's going very well.  It looks like I may be a regular =) They actually made me speak on camera last time.  I was SO unprepared and embarassed but it was fun.  The new episodes air in the beginning of January.  OH! that's next month! no biggy, just set your dvr's por favor =]