
Graechenland with Lady Rara

This past week was full of beauty, relaxation, interesting chats, and amazing scenery.  Yes I'm talking about Greece.  The thing I wanted to see the most was the purity of the bright blue waters of Greece.  At first, it wasn't what I had expected.  Then we went to the island of Aegina and I found it.  Brilliant turqouise water that is just clear enough to see fish and a good amount of depth.  Unlike in New York where you can't even see your own feet 4 inches down.

Besides the water, this vacation was amazing.  Seeing the ancient ruins that are over 2000 years old was mind boggling.  Also, me being a semi-picky eater, I thought the food was sooo good.  Fried zuchinni, chicken gyros, chicken stuffed with ricotta cheese and peppers, greek salads, a cross between potatoe chips and french fries....yum yum. 

And of course this trip wouldn't have been nearly what it was without Rachel.  We had some lazy days and some active days.  We had some set backs and some major excitements.  It didn't really matter what we were doing because we can have fun anywhere. The fact that it was in Greece kind of made it epic.  Our other 2 friends Emily and Sami were there for the first few days and that was so fun.  They showed us around the streets of Athens and we had nice dinners out in the spring evenings with wine and good conversations.

I went to the Acropolis and Ancient Agora.   The Acropolis was a dissapointment.  It was being worked on so it was full of scaffolding and workers.  There are only 2 buildings on the mountain.  I thought there was still quite a few left.  It was still a great experience nonetheless.  As for Ancient Agora, now that almost gave me goosebumps.  The ruins of this merchant area are amazing.  Diverse buildings and different levels of being intact.  I went early in the morning and was the first one there.  It was so peaceful and fresh.  It was like waking up early from camping on a beautiful summer morning with a slight breeze, the sun on your face, and the fresh smell of greenery and flowers.  This beautiful park packed with history was so cool.  I was able to walk through the foundation and walls of an ancient Roman house into a courtyard of a huge ancient gynasium with only little stumps left from the 40 columns neatly in rows. 

Ja tak Graechenland, ja tak

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