
it is greener in sweden, but finland? more like narnia!

So the week long trip to Sweden and Finland was nothing short of awesome.  Even though it was for school and I thought it would be hectic and boring, it was far from it.  It actually was the best trip I've been on.  There wasn't a day where I didn't cry from laughing.  It had the best of everything: art, architecture, sketching, tourism, new countries, new food, a lot of food, fun and friends.  We mainly went to churches throughout the 2 countries and a couple of museums.  Many people would think that such places could be boring but when you introduce light and function and us architecture students into the mix, these ordinary buildings are amazing.  Who knew there could be so many executions to the creation of a church? Rachel and I also made some new friends who are so fun.  I thought I branched out and grew as a person going to college but this trip made me grow even more.  We did so much on this trip that there is just too much to talk about.  At first, I was worried it was just going to be a boring time with strangers doing school work but it turned out to be so much more than that.  The experiences that I went through were amazing.  It was times like these on the trip that made me further realize how lucky I am to be here and to be able to have such experiences.  This whole time while in Denmark, I keep thinking about how lucky I am, never thinking I could ever be doing something like this.  Being able to have such an amazing time is just amazing =)

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