
presentation numero dos

had my presentation today, can't say i'm super pleased.  It wasn't a bad crit but it wasn't great.  It was kind of awkward and confusing.  They mixed us up with the architecture students and the critics were their teachers.  It didn't seem to fair and it definately didn't really make sense to mix us up.  We didn't know what each others projects were about and, like with any situation, comparisons were made.  I also felt like the architecture people felt like they were better than us interior people, but whatever.  I mean, we basically only had a week to do this project and my teacher didn't push me in any direction whatsoever.  Based on that, i think i did about the best i could in the given time, but i'm not happy with it.  I like my ideas and my project but the critics made some good points.  But, i probably would have resolved those issues if i had a decent amount of time.  I don't know.  The whole thing is kind of confusing.  It definately wasn't a bad crit by any means but it's not what i'm used to? maybe? lol but,....its over and time to move on to our Sweden/Finland trip =)  We're leaving on saturday and we'll be gone for a week.  I'm with my friend rachel so we should have a pretty good time.  We'll see =)

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