
2014 is comin' up fast

Apparently, I'm no longer good at keeping up at writing new posts. My excuse is that life has taken over and the monotonous reality of adult life is all too consuming.  Sadly,  that is the case for most people my age which is something I'm beginning to realize.  Just graduating from college, finding a new job, paying bills & student loans, trying to find your purpose in life are all issues on the minds of many. The focus of many twenty-somethings boils down to soul searching.  Searching for the job that speaks to you, searching for true love, searching for what to do next.  People always say that your twenties are the best years of your life..  That thought has yet to cross my mind. 

No, these years have not been horrible.  No, nothing negative has happened.  No, I really have nothing to complain about. 

My quarter-life-crisis-thought-process has taken over and the realization that my friends and I are growing older is hitting me.  My self-consciousness and self ridicule are going strong. 
Let's break it down..  I've done the math (very loosely):  9 out of 10 of my friends is in a relationship.  5 out of 10 of those is in a serious relationship. 3 out of 10 are engaged. Here I am, my lonely single self - the 1 out of 10, typing up a blog post while a friend texts me that she is engaged.  For serious.  Literally best & most ironic timing in the world.

As I sit here and type this post about being lonely & semi depressed, I start to question why.  There is no reason to wonder why I'm the only one of my friends who is single.  No reason to question my life and purpose.  No reason to think that there is something wrong.  I am a successful 24 year old, with a roof over my head, a job in New York City, with loving friends & family and am the sole reason for the pressure I'm feeling.  It is all in my head.  (Something I am still learning and repeating to myself).

It's time to focus on the blessings and less on the what-ifs.  Life is full of what-ifs and infinite possibilities.  Not all people are lucky enough to have the simple blessings that most people take for granted.  That is the moral of todays worries. Spread happiness & positivity and stop questioning silly little things. 

That is my cheesy, semi-depressing, semi-positive seeking rant for today. At this point, My Life After Copenhagen is all over the map :)   

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