
start of senior year

So ever since my return from Denmark, my posts on here have been pretty much non existent.  I guess it doesn't really matter because I only have like 5 people following me.  However, a lot has happened in the past few months.  After my birthday, school came quickly.  Usually it is such a burden; only giving me anxiety and stress while making me insane.  Things have changed a bit.  I am actually enjoying school =X  I never thought those words would ever be in my mind let alone stay there for what has been 2 weeks already.  Now, I don't want to jinx anything but I am actually happy.  I don't want to give the impression that I am always depressed or upset, but this year is starting off super well.  I have a new found confidence in myself.  The anxiety and worries about stupid things has seemingly melted away.  I can just walk up to people and start conversations without having my face look like a tomato.  When it comes to presentations, I am so much more comfortable now; not worrying about every shakey word that comes out of my mouth.  I have no idea what brought about this change, but it is about freaking time.  Also, in the past few months I feel like I have really found myself in some very personal ways.  I've done some soul searching and a lot of thinking and I feel like that has a bit to do with my newly acquired confidence.  Either way, my point is that I am extremely happy. 

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