
LAST day in Denmark, just feels WEIRD

Now that I only have 25 hours left in Denmark, it´s starting to feel weird though it doesn´t feel like I´m going home.  I am so anxious and excited to get home.  I can not wait to see my cat and dog, my cousins, my parents, and my friends.  But I feel like once I get home, it´s going to feel like this was all a dream.  Even though time went super fast, I can´t believe how much I´ve done.  It feels like I´ve been here forever.  The closing ceremony is in an hour and it feels weird.  It feels like the opening ceremony was just yesterday.  I was looking at all the pictures I´ve taken this semester and it felt so weird.  The pictures from Greece feel like so long ago nevermind the pictures from Sweden and Finland.  My host mom saw me packing and she said "No no Billy, you´re not allowed to pack.  It´s too weird." 

I´m going to miss the mom and the dad the most.  They have been nothing but kind, helpful, caring, and generous.  We´ve had many chats where we would talk for hours about life.  They would vent to me about their worries and concerns.  The dad vented to me about his kids having a party.  He came into my room, shut the door and sighed heavily.  twice.... and I would vent to them about school and work and my worries about everything.  Staying with a host family made these 4 months so much easier.  Knowing I had a home to go to with people who cared made it much less stressful.  They have asked me what I am going to miss the most and I couldn´t answer.  However, I think my answer is them. 


SO ready kinda sorta?

After my horrible day yesterday I am so ready to head home.  I am kinda sorta fed up with the studio program here, specifically my teacher.  I have loved every other class here in Denmark.  I've learned so much.  But when it comes to studio, I feel like I've been thrown backwards.  My crit yesterday did not go so well.  I won't go into detail but it confused me.  It's something that could have been avoided 7 weeks ago if someone would have told me.  UGH.

On a brighter note, I heard back from an internship with a top event planning/desiging company in manhattan that has done things for tv shows on ABC, CBS, TNT, etc, and for many celebrities.  It sounds pretty exciting.  Athough it isn't directly related to interior design, it is definately a branch off.  I just have to schedule an interview when I get home (which I am kinda sorta dreading.)

I leave for the U.S.A in 2 days! and while these 4 months have been amazing, this last week has made me so eager to go home.  Things are changing with relationships and life that need to go back to normal.  I kinda sorta and super confused but reality will be hitting me in a few days, thank god. 


reaching my finale in Denmark

Within the past two weeks, many things have happened.  Like with any school, finals and papers and projects have basically consumed my time.  Although, we had a little break in there where I went on the school trip to Bornholm with some friends.  It's a beautiful island south of Sweden that belongs to Denmark.  It has pretty woods, waterfalls, ruins, cliffs, and expansive green fields.  However, from the moment we stepped off the over night ferry (which was horrible due to absolutely no sleep) a smell of horse poo and sea breezes filled the air.  Thinking we would get away from it as we headed to the hostel, we didn't think much of it.  We were wrong.  This stink covered the island.  How could a smell FILL the air everywhere?  Everywhere we went, besides deep into the woods, this smell followed.  At one point after biking around 15 miles it got so bad we were almost gagging.  My friend Jess asked her host parents, who have a summer home there, about this wonderful smell.  They said that horse poo is mixed with water and sprayed over the crop fields early spring. Sure it is more beneficial for the plants to be sprayed on, but come on, what about us bikers who are inhaling this nastiness?  NEJ TAK! 

On our last night in Bornholm, Emily, Ben and I went on top of a cliff by the water overlooking the town and the sunset.  It was beautiful.  After taking in the scenery and taking a nice group picture, it was time to get down to business....the classic jump picture.  Now, it is quite hard to master the art of timing your jump with the cameras action, but I think we mastered it in our 20 tries.  We got some pretty cool looking pictures and we had a lot of fun =)

After not sleeping on the over night ferries and biking almost 25 miles, I was exhausted and ready to return to Allerod (the town where I live.)  But when I got home, I realized that there was only 2 weeks left.  In 2 weeks I would be leaving and going home.  That was a week ago.  Now, there's only 6 days! it is crazy.  While I am so ready to return home, it's a little upsetting.  I have had the time of my life here.  I've had so many new and amazing experiences.  I've met one of the sweetest families who I will miss so much.  I think I've learned more while I was here than ever before.  My host family keeps saying how I only have a week left and how weird it is.  The mom said "I wish you could have stayed for a full year.  Now that we know you so well, it would be nice to have you longer."  I agree completely.  While a year is a really long time, a semester is pretty short.  Being that I'm such a shy person, it probably took them awhile to get to know me and for me to open up.  Either way I am super glad I got to stay with them.  

My final presentation for design is tomorrow and I have a final on thursday.  After that, I pack up and head home.  I never expected anything that has happened here in Denmark.  I never expected to bond so much with people.  I never expected to LOVE my host family.  I never expected to experience any of the things I did; the little moments, the trips or the travels.   I never expected to learn much of what I learned here about design, life, and myself.  6 days until I leave.  6 days until it is over.  6 days until reality kicks my butt.