
mom is finally here =)

So my mom has finally arrived in Denmark, well 2 days ago.  So far the weather hasn't been ideal but today is looking better :)  I showed her around the city, we went to a castle, and had dinner in a cool pub.  Today we're going on an adventure to an old medieval viking town.  Should be interesting.  We also plan to see some museums and more castles as well as going to sweden for a day.  Hopefully she has a great time.  I am so glad she is here.  It hasn't felt like spring break yet but it is still great.  And next week, I'm off to Greece =D


momma fog leaves for ny; 1 week til min mor (my mom) comes to Denmark =)

I have one week left until spring break.  I can not wait. I'm soooo excited that my mom is coming.  This is both of our first times being out of the U.S. so it's a big deal :) plus we get a whole house to ourselves for a week because the family is going to be in NY that week lol so they'll be flying past each other, swapping cities.  The mom actually just left this morning for new york.  She's a teacher and she took her class of 17 and 18 year olds there for a week.  I wish my high school would have brought us to europe for a week.  I guess that is something many high schools (gymnasiums) do over here.  The gynasium class we visited with our danish class is going to barcelona.  how luck are they?    

So the weather is finally shifting.  It has been warmer and sunnier the past few days :) right now, it's kinda misty and grey, like usual, but its almost 45 degrees instead of 17 so I can't complain. It's amazing how different everything looks without snow, it's like I'm discovering everything all over again.  The flowers are starting to come up.  Some first came up when there was still patches of snow on the ground.  It was like one of the transitional scenes from a movie where the tiny plant pokes through the melting snow on a sunny day :)

Spring is 'a sprungin' in Copenhagen =) 


F.C.Kobenhavn vs. Bronby

So I went to my very first proffesional soccer game today.  It was pretty intense.  Not so much scoring but around 5 injuries and super crazy fans.  Chanting, yelling, flag waving, flare sparking, singing, battling through noises.....the fans of each team were more intense than the actual game.  They would yell/sing/chant at each other and the opposite side would respond.  It was pretty cool lol.  The FCK side, copenhagen, did this awesome sychronized flag thing where each person in the stand would hold up a certain colored flag.  First they made this diamond pattern and then they made the letter KBH for Kobenhavn (Copenhagen). The other side, cheering for Bronby had some flags and lots of flares.  They would randomly light red flares or strobe flares throughout the game.  At one point they had around 7 lit at the same time.  It looked like the crowd was on fire.  Who knew soccer was so big here.  I wonder if the fans ever actually watched the game because it seemed like they were more interested in the battling with each other lol.  Overall it was really cool.  I think soccer games are the perfect length, 1 1/2 hrs.  Their not too long where you get bored like baseball or something.  Even though the score was 2 - 0, it was not a dull game. 


it is greener in sweden, but finland? more like narnia!

So the week long trip to Sweden and Finland was nothing short of awesome.  Even though it was for school and I thought it would be hectic and boring, it was far from it.  It actually was the best trip I've been on.  There wasn't a day where I didn't cry from laughing.  It had the best of everything: art, architecture, sketching, tourism, new countries, new food, a lot of food, fun and friends.  We mainly went to churches throughout the 2 countries and a couple of museums.  Many people would think that such places could be boring but when you introduce light and function and us architecture students into the mix, these ordinary buildings are amazing.  Who knew there could be so many executions to the creation of a church? Rachel and I also made some new friends who are so fun.  I thought I branched out and grew as a person going to college but this trip made me grow even more.  We did so much on this trip that there is just too much to talk about.  At first, I was worried it was just going to be a boring time with strangers doing school work but it turned out to be so much more than that.  The experiences that I went through were amazing.  It was times like these on the trip that made me further realize how lucky I am to be here and to be able to have such experiences.  This whole time while in Denmark, I keep thinking about how lucky I am, never thinking I could ever be doing something like this.  Being able to have such an amazing time is just amazing =)