
presentation numero dos

had my presentation today, can't say i'm super pleased.  It wasn't a bad crit but it wasn't great.  It was kind of awkward and confusing.  They mixed us up with the architecture students and the critics were their teachers.  It didn't seem to fair and it definately didn't really make sense to mix us up.  We didn't know what each others projects were about and, like with any situation, comparisons were made.  I also felt like the architecture people felt like they were better than us interior people, but whatever.  I mean, we basically only had a week to do this project and my teacher didn't push me in any direction whatsoever.  Based on that, i think i did about the best i could in the given time, but i'm not happy with it.  I like my ideas and my project but the critics made some good points.  But, i probably would have resolved those issues if i had a decent amount of time.  I don't know.  The whole thing is kind of confusing.  It definately wasn't a bad crit by any means but it's not what i'm used to? maybe? lol but,....its over and time to move on to our Sweden/Finland trip =)  We're leaving on saturday and we'll be gone for a week.  I'm with my friend rachel so we should have a pretty good time.  We'll see =)


can not wait for spring break

I just booked my flights for spring break =( =) ....severe sticker shock for two amazing places lol, so when ordering the tickets and planning the flights with my friend, we decided to check how much it would be for me to fly to rome first (where her and her mom would be) it was cheaper then other flights that i'd seen so i booked it.  however, i stupidly didnt realize it didnt include the flight back to copenhagen. sooo i had to spend an extra $200 i didnt need to spend. OY  but.....i get to spend a night in a hotel in rome and breakfast the next morning before we fly to greece =) so i guess a night in rome with breakfast for $200 isnt so bad right? o well, it is wut it is.  So thats the second week of spring break.  the first week, my mom is coming to visit me which i am soooo excited about =) i just wish i could jump ahead 5 weeks so she can come now. 

Before that happens, we have our long study trip to Sweden and Finland.  we're leaving this saturday.  I can't believe how quickly this trip came.  I just hope it isnt as jam packed and hectic as the weekend trip we had.  We only had 40 minutes in each place before we were back on the bus.  It was super tiring.  If i thought 2 1/2 days of that was bad, im scared to find out how 7 is going to feel lol, hopefully it will be amazing though.

This week was the most crazy yet.  We had to finish our second project in basically a week.  We designed an exhibition space for a local museum for different pieces from some popular danish designers.  I chose some pieces of furniture that had weaving and interesting shapes.  I finished with a day and a half to spare =)
The only thing that annoys me is that every class makes things due at the same time,  i wish someone would organize things to make it less of a burden, less rushed, less cramped.  This project is due weds, a midterm due tomorrow, a quiz on thursday, presentations thursday and friday, on top of normal homework. I at least thought this school would be a bit more organized with this than pratt is. 

Well, i think i'll get through this week without any major problems lol, lets hope this sweden/finland trip will be a nice break after this crazy week.


good time =)

my friend rachel came over to the house last weds and it was soo much fun.  just the journey here was amusing haha rachel nearly fell from the ice and snow multiple times.  one time she slipped and kinda fell forward while her t-square shot out of her backpack like a javelin 2 feet from my leg landing sticking up in the snow loll good times.  Then we cooked dinner for the family, itaian mac & cheese which was quite delicious =) just the food would have made the night worth it, but the conversation brought it to the 'laugh until you cry' status hhaa...then the other night me, rachel, and our friends kyle and yuyu went for dinner.  we got amazing nachos and burgers and fries, yumm, and yet again, we laughed sooo much we cried...over and over again =)


design design design

so have too many thoughts about my design running through my head.  I wish i could just put them all together and be done with it, but no, it has to make sense oy....heres to a weekend full of thinking.  My ideas are super simple and the teacher didnt really give me any feedback "you can do anything" she says, ugh thats helpful. I knew the frustration was bound to come back sometime.  I never thought i would miss something about pratt, but i def miss the feedback from the teachers, actually trying to push you to the next level.  Here, its just super open which doesnt work for me.  I need some guidelines lol...we'll see how this goes


trip numero uno

So I have to wake up at 5:30 tomorrow morning to meet our class in the city to go on our first study trip.  I'm definately not looking forward to waking up early or the long bus ride but it should be pretty cool.  We're going to western denmark to look at old buildings, parks, and museums.  The other negative is that the weather is supposedly even worse then here. UGH.  like it's not bad enough already.  It has actually snowed practically everyday since I got here, and it snowed a foot yesterday.  I'm kinda sick of this weather.  I have a constant runny nose, im constantly cold, and its constantly snowing...I can not wait until the spring =)