
Perpetual change

This year has been all about changes.  There have changes in school regarding thesis and classes.  There have been advances in work.  There have been set backs in the family.  Some say change is good.  I hate change.  It is uncomfortable and stressful.  After the recent death in the family, I've had all the change I can handle.  However, more is to come.  Graduation is approaching fast.  Worries about the future and a career are increasing.  Family members are still ill.  I thought spring break would be relaxing.  I thought it would be a change for the better.  I was wrong.  Upon returning home, thoughts and discussions about the near future and what negative things may happen didn't boost my mood so much.  I'm not feelin so perky this week.  Not only is this week filled with homework, but it is filled with a sense of dread.  While friends are relaxing on spring break at home or at some warm beachy location, I am sitting on my bed enveloped in my thoughts.  I won't vent about our family problems but things are going to drastically change (as if they hadn't done so enough already).  The question isn't if we'll make it through, the question is how?  Thoughts are swirling through my head.  A lack of focus is paralyzing.  My mom says to take things one day at a time.  Does she know who she's talking to? I am the definition of a worry wart.  Focus on today? yeah right.  

1 comment:

  1. i have been worrying all of my spring break, the sense of uncertainty seems unfair considering most of my friends are on holiday. Hopefully all the hard work and strife becomes worth it eventually. Keep your chin up Billy, you have a smooth future ahead of you!
