
Dear Genevieve...

So about a month ago I was on twitter which I never ever go on.  I follow Genevieve Gordor, the designer from trading spaces, the judge on design star, and the host/designer of the show dear genevieve.  Her status had said that she was looking for interns in the new york area.  I figured I'd email her to give it a shot.  I never knew I would get a response let alone an interview.  It was kind of exciting.  I feel like I didn't have to do much to get the job.  Did they like my portfolio? or my personality? hmm....  I never thought I would have an internship with hgtv.  Initially I was worried that it would be too different from the things I'm doing in school.  However, my thoughts have changed.  I'm doing plans in cad, learning about functionality and aesthetics, networking, experiencing directing and film, and making new friends.  My first day was quick and laid back.  I put a floorplan into autocad which took 30 mins then I was done for the day.  My second day was completely different.  I had to run a lot of errands with one of the design assistants, both of which are super nice.  We were driving and driving, getting lost and running into stores on our way to a site for a reveal.  When we were about 15 mins away from the house, she gets a call.  When she hangs up she says to me "Ok, your going to be on camera for a few minutes." Then she gives me the up down to see what I was wearing saying "You're good."  REALLY? my mind went blank.  Me on camera? seriously? this was going to be interesting.  I got anxious and started to sweat.  How do I act? should I speak? do I look at the camera? OY It turns out they were just filming us upacking the car and bringing the products into the house.  It took all of 5 minutes and then it was over....or so I thought.  Throughout the day, I was photographed and filmed.  It was so surpising.  Why me? I mean, is cleaning a stove or planting a succulant that interesting? They were filming me, and only me, multiple times.  What surprised me the most was how I felt.  I wasn't anxious or nervous in front of the camera which shocked me because I can barely speak in front of a group.  It was a great experience.  The best part of the day was meeting Genevieve.  She walks into the room saying hi to everyone.  She gets to me and says "Hello strange boy." Throughout the day she would have conversations with me about random things like school, ideas, life, etc.  She is one of the nicest and most down to earth people I've met.  While she was getting her makeup done in a back room, she was speaking to her assistant who was in the doorway.  I was waiting in the hall when I hear Genevieve say to her assistant "Tell Billy I want to wrap him up and take him home."  She is now my favorite person.  She had just met me a few hours earlier. Did I make that good of an impression? I guess so =)


start of senior year

So ever since my return from Denmark, my posts on here have been pretty much non existent.  I guess it doesn't really matter because I only have like 5 people following me.  However, a lot has happened in the past few months.  After my birthday, school came quickly.  Usually it is such a burden; only giving me anxiety and stress while making me insane.  Things have changed a bit.  I am actually enjoying school =X  I never thought those words would ever be in my mind let alone stay there for what has been 2 weeks already.  Now, I don't want to jinx anything but I am actually happy.  I don't want to give the impression that I am always depressed or upset, but this year is starting off super well.  I have a new found confidence in myself.  The anxiety and worries about stupid things has seemingly melted away.  I can just walk up to people and start conversations without having my face look like a tomato.  When it comes to presentations, I am so much more comfortable now; not worrying about every shakey word that comes out of my mouth.  I have no idea what brought about this change, but it is about freaking time.  Also, in the past few months I feel like I have really found myself in some very personal ways.  I've done some soul searching and a lot of thinking and I feel like that has a bit to do with my newly acquired confidence.  Either way, my point is that I am extremely happy.