
My Life After Copenhagen... Full of Ups & Downs

It has been a long time since my last post and so much has happened.  While not much of it was planned nor wanted, it was unavoidable.  Like I have said before, I am not very good when it comes to change. Since my last post, life has been a literal roller coaster ride, one that I did not voluntarily jump on to.  We have lost the two most important people in the family, the glue as some would say.  Although the wakes and funerals and awkward family moments were rough, things started to look a bit brighter.  I finally graduated from that torturous place called Pratt Institute with honors and everyone seemed to be slowly getting back on track.  Within the past 6 months, things have happened that I never thought would have... let alone within half a year.  Now it's time to redo the house, move things around, search for a job, go on interviews, suck up to possible employers, and deal with normal family drama.  While I know I'm sounding depressed and annoyed, things have been frustrating.  I just have to keep telling myself that I am lucky.  I have everything I need.  However, right now it's like the roller coaster has gotten stuck at the bottom waiting for a repair.  Ok, that is a bit dramatic, but I've been sitting on my couch for weeks watching ghost whisperer re-runs while getting lost in a search for a job on craigslist.  Both of which I've lost sleep over.  So, being a bored design student, my house is slowly getting a makeover.  I painted my room, found furniture in someones garbage, bought bedding, painted the living room, and hauled furniture in and out.  While my body is a bit soar, my wallet a bit empty and the house a bit nicer... boredom still finds its way in.  As I sit here in the redesigned living room with my feet up on my mom's new coffee table, I wonder if I'll ever find a job, if I'll ever move out, if I'll ever stop worrying.  Then those thoughts are interupted when I hear my dog snoring beneath my legs and I think... at least I'm not as bored as her.... sigh...I'm comparing my life to that of my dog.